Segment 5

Directional terms of the horse


Introduction to Directional Terms

 First you'll need to know that all this anatomy is based on a median plane. That means that if you were to draw a line straight down the middle of the back, it would divide the horse into equal right and left halves.Embed ImgageCaudal- The plane going towards the hindend. The rear portion.

Cranial- The plane going towards the head end (front). The front portion

Distal- Further away from the main part of the body, furthest. Example: The hoof is the most distal part of the leg.

Dorsal- Back surface or topline

Lateral- Away from the median (middle line) plane. It is also the outside or external surface.

Medial- Towards the middle (median plane) of the body. The inner or more internal part.

Palmer- The sole (bottom) of the front hoof continuing up to the back of the knee (carpus)

Plantar- The sole of the hind hoof continuing up to the back of the hock (tarsus)

Proximal- Closer to the body, or point of attachment. Example: The knee is proximal to the ankle

Rostral- Towards the nose

Ventral- Underneath or belly side

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